Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Our Sponsors & Exhibitors

Premium Partnership

Well Innovation

Well Innovation AS is an independent technology development and investment company, focusing on the energy sector. We are specialists in taking a conceptual idea to a commercially accepted product, whether it is our own idea, someone with a technology development and/or financing need, or a client's need to close a portfolio gap. We are experts in design, prototyping, testing and commercialization of technologies combining the elements within mechanic, hydraulic and electronic disciplines (Mechatronics / Robotics).

Akinê Inc

Akinê assists conventional and tight oil producers to increase production and reduce operational costs through monitoring of well production, reservoir response and artificial lift performance. Using the Akinê Live cloud platform, oil producers increase well productivity through proactive identification of underperforming wells. Akinê Live is infinitely scalable and designed to monitor, operate and control remote well sites and monitor facilities and pipelines. It distributes personalized, actionable information to end users, including generating by exception, accurate and actionable alerts when it matters the most.